Ep 7 Grounding the Ganges: Exploring Symbols of Śiva

This episode dives into the rich mythology of the great god Śiva, lord of yoga, emblematic of spiritual striving. Dr. Raj tells the tale of the descent of the Ganges from celestial sphere to become an earthly river, and how her colossal might was as if a single drop of dew amid the matted locks of the ever-grounding Śiva.

Hosted by Dr. Raj Balkaran, a Sanskrit scholar, storyteller and online educator. In addition to academic training, he was lineally trained by Mantriji, our sangha's parama-guru. He teaches at the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies and at The Indian Wisdom School where he applies ancient Indian wisdom to modern Western life. He is also the author of "The Stories Behind the Poses: The Indian Mythology that Inspired 50 Yoga Postures."

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Personal Website: https://rajbalkaran.com

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