$47.00 USD

Working with The Forefather Fortnight (Pitṛ Pakṣa)

 2024 Festival Dates: September 18 – October 2, 2024

  • What is the significance of the Forefather Fortnight?
  • How do you observe it?
  • How do you make the most of it for spiritual/personal growth?

The Forefather Fortnight (Pitṛ Pakṣa) is the prime annual juncture for clearing familial karmic patters and honoring departed ancestors. The ancients were well aware of the propensity for patterns to cycle generation after generation and provided tools for liberating oneself – and one’s family – from these karmic cycles. 

This 90-minute workshop shares key concepts, practices, stories and techniques from living wisdom tradition for making the most of the Forefather Fortnight for personal, familial and spiritual evolution.