Exploring the Depths of the Hindu Goddess: A Glimpse into "Mother of Compassion, Mother of Wrath"
Sep 05, 2023Appearing in the upcoming issue of the International Journal of Hindu Studies, "Mother of Compassion, Mother of Wrath: Reflections of the Hindu Goddess in Mirrored Māhātmyas," is the latest scholarship by Dr. Raj Balkaran and Noor van Brussel, a Sanskrit lecturer and PhD student at Ghent University.
Abstract: This article examines the goddess we find in the Devī Māhātmya (the debut of the Hindu great goddess within the Brāhmanic fold around fifth century CE) and that of the Bhadrakāḷī Māhātmya (a regional Kerala Purāna composed some thousand years later) to show that both texts present us with a vision of the Hindu goddess which transcends the breast-tooth binary characteristic of Western scholarship. Our analysis—resulting from a careful synchronic reading of the text of the Bhadrakāḷī Māhātmya—demonstrates the extent to which the Bhadrakāḷī Māhātmya, like its pan-Hindu forerunner the Devī Māhātmya, integrates the episodic wrathful aspect of the goddess within an ultimately compassionate stance. Moreover, we draw on fieldwork on the worship of Bhadrakāḷī in Kerala to demonstrate that this ethos well transcends the realm of text to inhabit the heart of the Devıs devotees.
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